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Childrens Storage Furniture
Keeping your child’s room tidy is about more than not standing on their Lego. It’s teaching them from a young age the importance of being organised and giving everything a place. With the childrens storage furniture NZ collection at Urban Sales, that will be a fun lesson for them to learn.
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BROWSE POPULAR ROOMSBROWSE POPULAR PRODUCTSA place for everything with our range of kids storage
Play time is important and is how children learn. Help them keep their games fun without chaos so they can make the most of activities and learn through play. A tidy room is a safe room so give your kids toy storage as part of their furniture.
From rotating bookshelves to kid sized clothing racks, make your childrens storage accessible to encourage independence. Motivate them to engage in tidying up at the end of a play session or before bed with our childrens storage boxes.
With kids sized tables and chairs and space saving childrens’ beds, Urban Sales puts the fun in functional. There’s plenty to choose from with our sturdy childrens toy storage units and shelves. And when they’re done with them, you can put your kids storage boxes to good use elsewhere in the house.
product/category - Kitchen
- Bedroom
Living Room